The LK Blog

Keeping Your Senior Safe in Winter

Sleet and slush, icy sidewalks, cold winds and even colder temperatures all serve to make winter challenging for everyone but even more so for seniors. With their reduced ease of mobility and a greater sensitivity to cold seniors can definitely suffer more during the harsh months of winter. Here are some suggestions on how to help […]

The Warning Signs of Dementia

My Mom couldn’t find her keys? Could it be dementia? Dad forgot the way home? Could it be dementia? There’s paperwork and bills piling up at my parent’s home? Could it be dementia? Few things seem as scary as when an elderly family member starts to exhibit the early warning signs of dementia, causing you […]

It’s The Holiday Season. Don’t Forget Your Senior Loved Ones

Everyone loves the holidays, right? Mmmm, not so fast because along with the fun and festivities is the stress and aggravation of shopping, planning, preparing and hosting that comes ON TOP OF work and caring for the family. It’s a precarious juggle. And the season seems to start earlier and earlier doesn’t it? Halloween costumes […]

What To Do When Seniors/Parents Need Help But Don’t Want Help

Your Mom refuses to stop standing on the step stool while she puts away the groceries but she doesn’t want help. Your Dad continually forgets to take his medications but he doesn’t want help. Your parent’s home is dirty and their clothes don’t look all that clean either but they don’t want help. These scenarios […]

Getting Your Elderly Parents Ready to Relocate

It’s getting to be that time. Your elderly parents live in the same house that they’ve lived in for endless years. It’s big and requires lots of upkeep, not to mention the many stairs that have to be navigated each and every day. Perhaps their health or memory is failing or they are far away […]

June 17, 2014 Aging, Relocation

Addressing Difficult Topics With Mom and Dad

No matter how old you are it seems that you are always your parents’ little girl or little boy. You may even be a senior yourself but in some situations the parent-child relationship remains firmly in place. And this is certainly true when it is time to have a difficult conversation with your elderly parent/s […]

May 22, 2014 Communication

Aging in Place

Home: It’s a word evocative of familiarity, comfort, security and happiness at any stage of life but even more so as we age and, for many seniors, home is exactly where they want to stay as they get on in years. For most seniors aging in place is entirely doable and here are just a […]

April 22, 2014 Aging

Newly Divorced and Don’t Have Time For Paperwork? A Daily Money Manager Can Help!

Getting divorced isn’t easy. Acrimonious or not, divorce represents a huge change in well, pretty much everything. There are new roles and responsibilities, a re-engineering of how you spend your time and with whom – lots of adjustments must be made. And sometimes it can be overwhelming, for on top of what might be a […]

March 22, 2014 Uncategorized Tags:

Medicare Will Cover My Stay in a Rehabilitation Facility. Mmm, Maybe Not!

Consider this. You have Medicare coverage. You’ve been in the hospital for three or four days and your doctor determines that you need to go to a rehabilitation facility (also referred to as a Skilled Nursing Facility – SNF) for further treatment. Great! You think help is on the way and of course, Medicare will […]

Why You May Need an Elder Law Attorney

Who hasn’t heard the old cliché, getting old isn’t for sissies. The truth is that as you age, the cliché becomes more and more accurate. We all know that “stuff” happens as we become older and at some point, some or all of these issues will probably come knocking on the door of everyone who […]

January 22, 2014 Elder Law Attorney
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