The LK Blog


The death of a significant other can be emotionally devastating. So, too, can a marriage torn apart by divorce. The emotional trauma of each, whether sudden or built up over time, can be exacerbated by confusion about “practical” matters that are integral to the transition process. Both situations require a period of adjustment so that […]

Hey Doc, What Did You Say?

As people grow older, visits to the doctor become more frequent. A team of general doctors and assorted specialists are often required to monitor an elderly person’s health and wellbeing. Unexpected complications, perhaps due to changing lifestyle and medications, can be even more serious if not attended to by the appropriate medical expert. During many […]

The Importance of Having a Will

No one really wants to think about his or her own death. It is an extremely foreboding thought and makes uncomfortable conversation. Failing to make plans for one’s own passing, however, doesn’t mean that it will never happen. Having a will is important for adults of all ages.   A will is the only way […]

How to Beat the Winter Blues

Winter can be tough for most everyone but especially so for senior adults. The weather is cold and nasty, slippery sidewalks and roads make getting outside almost impossible, and the shortened days and longer hours of darkness add to the gloom that may lay heavy at this time of year. Staying inside without ample opportunities […]

Why Their History Matters (Your Senior’s Legacy for Future Generations)

“Grandma, tell me about where you grew up?” “What do you mean I look like Uncle Bob when he was a little boy?” “You didn’t have a television OR an iPhone?!”   Who among us hasn’t heard the children in our families ask these sorts of questions or ponder what life was like back when […]

Web Surfing for Seniors/ Exploring the Internet

The Internet has changed all of our lives, and in my opinion no single demographic has been impacted by this technology more than seniors. You might not automatically associate the Internet with the senior population but once they learn the basics of navigating the web they’re ready, able and more than willing to jump in […]

Outdoor Activities For Seniors

Taking advantage of the summer’s warm weather and sunny skies is beneficial for people of all ages. Everyone (and I mean everyone!) is encouraged to enjoy the season’s longer days, and not just to absorb some vitamin D but also for rest and relaxation! For seniors especially, the cold temperatures and snow of winter have […]

Exercise and Fitness for Seniors

We’ve long dispensed with the idea that as we age we are supposed to be sedentary and spend our time lounging on the recliner with the remote in hand. In fact, just the opposite is true. Studies show that an active lifestyle is critically important in helping seniors maintain their mental faculties and physical health. […]

Traveling for Seniors

For most people travel is an eagerly anticipated and highly enjoyable experience. Exploring new places, experiencing different cultures, eating exotic cuisines, and visiting family and friends who live afar are all good for the mind, body and soul. And the thrill of travel doesn’t have to change when you are a senior or are travelling […]

How to Select a Caregiver

The time has come. Mom and/or Dad are no longer able to care for themselves so it is now necessary to hire a caregiver to help tend to their needs. It’s an important decision and can be fraught with lots of concerns. Here are some important points that will help you when choosing a caregiver […]

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