It’s getting to be that time. Your elderly parents live in the same house that they’ve lived in for endless years. It’s big and requires lots of upkeep, not to mention the many stairs that have to be navigated each and every day.
Perhaps their health or memory is failing or they are far away from you or any other close relatives.
Just thinking about it causes you to worry and it appears that relocation to a more suitable residence might be the best thing for everyone. But change is hard and even more so when you are talking about leaving a place in which you have lived for a very long time.
Chances are that your parents are starting to feel the burden of taking care of the house, not to mention the outside spaces as well. But even though they are tired of the upkeep they still might not be ready to throw in the towel and admit it.
Here are some things that you can do to make this all-important life change go as smoothly as possible:
For starters, sensitivity and patience are paramount to making this a smooth transition. Moving is not something that should be taken lightly or done abruptly. With calm, well-intentioned and open dialogue you can help your parents see the benefits of relocation whether it is to an assisted living facility, a smaller home or to another state closer to where you or your relatives live.
As much as possible include your parents in the decision-making. The more involved they are and the more they buy into the process, the easier it will be.
Make certain that you and all of the other relatives involved in this decision (siblings, aunts and uncles) are in agreement and that you don’t engage in familial arguments in front of your parents. There must be harmony in the family ranks.
Help your parents to sort through and organize their belongings. Most seniors are either highly sentimental or simply don’t see why they can’t take everything to their new residence because they just don’t want to invest in buying it again. A senior move manager can also provide you and your family with the necessary guidance and assistance.
When approached slowly and with compassion most seniors will warm to the idea of relocation especially when they start to see the over-arching benefits of their move. Let them take their time and it will be a smoother transition for everyone.
If you want more information or need further assistance don’t hesitate to contact us at (516) 528-0206.