Check out this link for important information about sleep related disorders:
Author: The LK Blog
When Relatives Don’t Agree
When it comes to aging parents, there are many familial conflicts that can arise. As mothers and fathers get older it seems that all of us become experts in caring for an elderly loved one; all of us seem to have their “best interests” in mind. Still, as you may know yourself, mutual understanding among […]
How to Tell Your Kids that Grandma or Grandpa has Dementia
Understanding and coping with a parent or loved one with dementia can be extremely emotional and stressful for adults and even more so for young children. Grandparents hold a very special place in a child’s life, and children understandably can be confused and worried when Grandma or Grandpa start to act strange, especially when there […]
The Importance of Sleep for Seniors
Many people begin to experience sleep problems as they age. The elderly find themselves unable to easily fall asleep or incapable of sleeping through the night. What starts out as a nuisance can turn into a serious issue, with energy, stamina, and health compromised by the inability to get a “good night’s” sleep. Sleep is […]
Organize Important Papers Now
You never know when something will happen, do you? In the blink of an eye an emergency can occur that is fraught with stress and emotion. Decisions must be made and important papers and documentation are required but are nowhere to be found. This is a difficult situation that befalls many seniors and their caregivers. […]
Why Use a Daily Money Manager
There can come a point when paying bills, reviewing insurance coverages, banking and even handling personal monetary matters such as creating a practical household budget, becomes overwhelming and stressful with no end in sight. When these are the circumstances in which you or your loved ones find themselves, hiring a daily money manager might be […]
How to Help Seniors On Election Day
Let me ask you: do you have a senior loved one who is going to vote in this year’s election? Do you know why it is important that s/he does vote? Are you prepared to assist them? Regardless of age, casting a ballot in local, state, and federal elections is both a civic duty and […]
The death of a significant other can be emotionally devastating. So, too, can a marriage torn apart by divorce. The emotional trauma of each, whether sudden or built up over time, can be exacerbated by confusion about “practical” matters that are integral to the transition process. Both situations require a period of adjustment so that […]
Hey Doc, What Did You Say?
As people grow older, visits to the doctor become more frequent. A team of general doctors and assorted specialists are often required to monitor an elderly person’s health and wellbeing. Unexpected complications, perhaps due to changing lifestyle and medications, can be even more serious if not attended to by the appropriate medical expert. During many […]
The Importance of Having a Will
No one really wants to think about his or her own death. It is an extremely foreboding thought and makes uncomfortable conversation. Failing to make plans for one’s own passing, however, doesn’t mean that it will never happen. Having a will is important for adults of all ages. A will is the only way […]