Taking advantage of the summer’s warm weather and sunny skies is beneficial for people of all ages. Everyone (and I mean everyone!) is encouraged to enjoy the season’s longer days, and not just to absorb some vitamin D but also for rest and relaxation! For seniors especially, the cold temperatures and snow of winter have kept them indoors. Now is the time to get outside, breathe some fresh air and take in the sun (in moderation of course!).
Assuming the necessary precautions are taken – sunscreen, ample water, a sunhat and even access to some shade if the sun is too strong – here are some fun outdoor activities appropriate for people young and old.
Have a picnic.
Picnics are a wonderful way to experience the outdoors, enjoy the warm weather, and dine on summer’s fresh produce. A picnic need not be held close to home; it can be a great excuse for a day trip to the country. Pack some comfortable armchairs and a blanket and all can have a good time.
Go to a pool or beach.
A dip in the water can be a cleansing activity for mind, body, and soul. Advanced swimming skills are not required (but safety is!). You can sit by the edge of a pool dipping your toes, or even stroll along the receding water at the beach.
Take a leisurely walk and pretend you are a tourist.
We rarely take the time to explore our own surroundings, and summer affords us a wonderful opportunity to take in the sights that we don’t usually bother to notice. “Schedule” a few stops for ice cream or lunch and everyone will come away with a smile.
Find a good weekend flea market.
Many neighborhoods have outdoor flea markets in the summer months and these provide a relaxing, if not entertaining place to amble and perhaps even find a few treasures as well.
Go topside on a boat excursion.
For those of us with sea legs, a boat ride can be a very satisfying way to enjoy the outdoors. Trips can last as little as an hour to a full day excursion. If you live near the water scheduling a boat trip at least once per summer should be a must-do.
Attend an outdoor concert.
Do you like music? If so attending an outdoor concert in the summer is bound to make for a pleasant day or evening activity. Check your local calendar and see what artists are making a stop in your area.
Play in the backyard.
Maybe I’m being a tad facetious, but hanging out in the backyard, playing a board game, listening to music, and having lively conversations seems like a perfect way to spend a pleasant summer day.
Yes, it’s true that getting outside might be a bit more difficult as we age but the outcome is more than worth the effort!