How can you tell when a loved one needs help at home? The signs may be subtle…lapsed personal hygiene, an empty refrigerator, significant memory gaps or the home no longer being adequately cleaned. Or, there may be more obvious indicators…a significant medical event, illness or hospitalization that leaves your loved one unable to continue living […]
Category: Selecting a Caregiver
Caring for a Loved One When You Don’t Live Nearby
More than 34 million Americans provide unpaid care to an adult relative, according to a recent AARP study. While it can be rewarding, being a caregiver can also be stressful and complicated, particularly for the 11% of caregivers who live an hour or more away from their loved one. The geographic distance often places an […]
How to Select a Caregiver
The time has come. Mom and/or Dad are no longer able to care for themselves so it is now necessary to hire a caregiver to help tend to their needs. It’s an important decision and can be fraught with lots of concerns. Here are some important points that will help you when choosing a caregiver […]