There can come a point when paying bills, reviewing insurance coverages, banking and even handling personal monetary matters such as creating a practical household budget, becomes overwhelming and stressful with no end in sight. When these are the circumstances in which you or your loved ones find themselves, hiring a daily money manager might be the best solution.
A daily money manager works with clients across a variety of situations. These include:
1. Seniors who are too busy with retirement travel and social activities to attend to personal administrative and financial matters, as well as seniors who may now find it difficult to concentrate, understand and follow through on the complexities associated with these types of responsibilities.
2. Busy professionals who are juggling a very robust work schedule with family commitments and don’t want to spend their precious “free” time on these tasks. 3. A widow, widower or divorcee not accustomed to handling the household finances and paperwork finding themselves confused and stressed about what is now “on their plate.” The personal assistance provided by a daily money manager includes, but is not limited to:
These services are designed to help our clients and their families enjoy the peace of mind and confidence that is derived from knowing that these daily tasks are being handled in a professional and responsible manner.
Does it sound like the services of a daily money manager can benefit you or a loved one? It is certainly worth a free consultation. I’d be happy to answer any of your questions and provide the advice needed.
Why call Lewis:
Lewis Knopf, LK’s President is an experienced financial systems executive and a highly skilled manager, negotiator and problem-solver. He is fully insured, is a Certified Senior Advisor and current National Treasurer of the American Association of Daily Money Managers.
He’s a seasoned professional who chose this work as his second career and Lewis is a member of the “sandwich generation” who has taken on the daily money management responsibilities for members of his own family.