Author: lewis-knopf

Why I Do What I Do

After a successful career as a senior IT executive with Reuters, a global news and information company, I had a new career decision to make. The decision I made was the result of an emotional and deeply personal experience, and I made it quickly. As I took inventory of my life’s accomplishment I looked back […]

Easy Ways to Save Money (on a Post Divorce Budget)

Saving money after divorce may sound like a daunting task. With two households to fund instead of one, and expenses being individual as opposed to shared, it can be challenging, but not impossible. Planning is key! Having a budget is essential for anyone hoping to save money. If you don’t know where your money is […]

Resolutions for Seniors

It’s 2020!  Gyms are overcrowded, cigarette sales are dropping, and for the next couple of weeks people will enthusiastically, albeit perhaps temporarily adhere to their resolutions.  While self-improvement is an admirable goal, resolutions made in January are often unsustainable.  With that in mind, here are a few suggestions for resolutions that won’t be too difficult […]

Keeping the Senior Brain Sharp

Keeping the Senior Brain Sharp “Use it or lose it” is an old cliché that is especially accurate when applied to cognitive function. While nothing can stop the aging process, it can be slowed.  Experts recommend keeping both the mind and body active in order to maintain a sharp brain. Take Yourself Out for a […]

Gift Ideas for Aging Loved Ones

The holiday season is fast approaching. Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or any other family tradition, you will likely be thinking of gift-giving over the next month or so. While choosing just the right gift can be a challenge, selecting something appropriate for elderly loved ones is often especially tricky. By the time they […]

Medicare Open Enrollment Has Begun

For 2020 coverage, open enrollment for Medicare will run from October 15, 2019, to December 7, 2019. During the annual enrollment period you can sign up or make changes to your existing coverage. If you are currently receiving Social Security benefits, you are automatically enrolled in Medicare Parts A and B. If you’re turning 65 […]

Shining a Light on Alzheimer’s Dementia During World Alzheimer’s Month

According to the CDC, Alzheimer’s is the sixth leading cause of death in the United States. This means that there is a very good chance that you or someone you love could eventually face this disease for which there is no cure or effective treatments. In recognition of World Alzheimer’s Month, we are shining a […]

Downsizing Dilemma: Letting Go of Your ‘Stuff’

As life circumstances change, downsizing may become part of the plan. Children grow up and move out, and large family homes may no longer be practical or necessary. Whether considering a move to a smaller home, condo, assisted living or nursing home, odds are that you will be leaving a home filled with memories, mementos […]

Choosing a Home Health Aide: The Experts Weigh In

How can you tell when a loved one needs help at home? The signs may be subtle…lapsed personal hygiene, an empty refrigerator, significant memory gaps or the home no longer being adequately cleaned. Or, there may be more obvious indicators…a significant medical event, illness or hospitalization that leaves your loved one unable to continue living […]

Caring for a Loved One When You Don’t Live Nearby

More than 34 million Americans provide unpaid care to an adult relative, according to a recent AARP study. While it can be rewarding, being a caregiver can also be stressful and complicated, particularly for the 11% of caregivers who live an hour or more away from their loved one. The geographic distance often places an […]

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