Category: Personal

How to Cope with Cleaning Out Your Loved One’s Closet

One of the many tasks that have to be taken care of when a loved one dies is to go through his or her possessions and decide what to do with them. This can be very emotional especially when you don’t have much time to get it done because the home needs to be vacated […]

Fatherly Financial Advice

In “Rich Dad Poor Dad,” Robert T. Kiyosaki laid out the advice that he says the wealthy pass on to their children. Whether rich or poor, many fathers try to guide their children toward financial responsibility. In honor of Father’s Day this month, we offer some fatherly advice for managing money. Hard work pays off. […]

Why I Do What I Do

After a successful career as a senior IT executive with Reuters, a global news and information company, I had a new career decision to make. The decision I made was the result of an emotional and deeply personal experience, and I made it quickly. As I took inventory of my life’s accomplishment I looked back […]