With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, love is in the air. Whether you are in a committed relationship or still looking for love, just starting out or nearing retirement, there’s no better time to plan for the milestones that lie ahead.

Finances are not normally a topic tied to romance but planning for a financially stable life with or without a partner can pave the way toward your happily ever after. In fact, a recent survey of Certified Divorce Financial Analysts showed that 22% of divorces are caused by money issues.

You and your current or future honey may someday want to purchase a home or start a family. Whether that dream is close to becoming a reality or still far off in the distance, there’s no time like the present to begin to plan. A Daily Money Manager can help you set realistic money goals and build strategies that allow you to reach them. The same is true for retirement planning. A Daily Money Manager (DMM) can teach you the tactics to adopt in your 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s and beyond that will enable you to maximize your retirement nest egg, minimize your tax burden, and face the future on solid financial ground.

By talking with a professional now, you can help reduce the risk of financial worries later and create the conditions to build a life that is free of money worries for yourself and your loved ones. What better way to celebrate Valentine’s Day than by taking steps to protect and grow your assets to secure the future for those you love?

If managing your financial obligations is among your least favorite activities, consider working with a DMM. A Daily Money Manager can handle your financial details, freeing you up to enjoy more time with your sweetheart. Remember: the steps you take today will create the life you enjoy tomorrow. So grab a box of chocolates for the one you love, or treat yourself to something sweet, and get ready to fall in love with your financial future!