Category: Personal Finance

10 Financial Steps to Take With Your Older Children This Summer

Summer is a good time to think about teaching children and young adults about money. Maybe they are getting their first summer job as a teen or a permanent one after graduation or they are headed off to college in the fall. With more money and independence, comes the need to learn how to spend […]

5 Financial Questions to Ask Your Fiancé Before Getting Married

Money is a frequent source of arguments in marriage so it makes sense to talk about finances before getting married. Yet, many couples avoid those discussions both before and during marriage. Often, it’s because they grew up in families uncomfortable talking about money. Unfortunately, this can lead to serious conflicts damaging the couple’s relationship and […]

7 Tips to Help You Avoid Overspending for the Holidays

The holidays can cause even the most frugal people to blow their budget. Between gifts, decorations, food, entertainment, travel, and other costs, it is very difficult to avoid overspending for the holidays. However, the last thing you want to do is start next year with substantial bills that you may have trouble paying off. While […]

11 Things That Should Be on Your Year-End Checklist

For many people, the last weeks of the year are a scramble to get necessary tasks completed along with preparing for the holidays. To help ensure you don’t miss anything crucial, here are a few things you should do by December 31st to help your finances this year and next: Determine your budget for holiday […]