Saving money after divorce may sound like a daunting task. With two households to fund instead of one, and expenses being individual as opposed to shared, it can be challenging, but not impossible. Planning is key! Having a budget is essential for anyone hoping to save money. If you don’t know where your money is […]
Category: Money Management
Why Use a Daily Money Manager
There can come a point when paying bills, reviewing insurance coverages, banking and even handling personal monetary matters such as creating a practical household budget, becomes overwhelming and stressful with no end in sight. When these are the circumstances in which you or your loved ones find themselves, hiring a daily money manager might be […]
The death of a significant other can be emotionally devastating. So, too, can a marriage torn apart by divorce. The emotional trauma of each, whether sudden or built up over time, can be exacerbated by confusion about “practical” matters that are integral to the transition process. Both situations require a period of adjustment so that […]
The Role of the Daily Money Manager
It’s difficult to find someone who likes bill paying and dealing with paperwork and the administrative minutia that are simply part of our day-to-day lives. From seniors to busy executives, from an inability to sort through it all to just being too darn busy to get to it, a Daily Money Manager can be a […]
When to Hire a Daily Money Manager
Paying bills, filling out forms, sorting out the “junk” mail from the “real” mail, balancing the checkbook, transferring funds from one account to another and staying on top of all of the administrative details that comprise our lives can be time consuming and bothersome for everyone. For many seniors and other folks who haven’t had […]